Composite bonding is also known as composite veneers or cosmetic bonding. While it is a very popular treatment, many people wonder how does composite bonding work? Here we explain exactly what it can do for your teeth and smile and how it works. We offer this treatment here at the Elite Dental Studio in Tilbury (Essex) - click / tap here to contact us and get booked in!

This cosmetic dental treatment works by building upon your teeth to improve their shape, their size and even their shade. There is no drilling or damage to the natural teeth involved and no use of needles either. It is a completely straightforward and painless procedure! The composite material is made to match your tooth shade (many people like to complete teeth whitening beforehand) and then applied in layers to your teeth, almost like painting on them to build upon the tooth structure.

Due to the way in which composite bonding is completed, it protects your natural teeth by covering them with a layer of the composite material. This also makes it an ideal option to cover any marks or blemishes on your teeth too. You can choose to have just one tooth treated or many of your teeth treated. In fact some patients choose to have composite veneers instead of traditional porcelain veneers as the results are quicker (usually complete in one appointment!) and the price point is usually more affordable.